Information according to Hungarian law (Act CVIII of 2001 on Electronic Commerce and Information Society Services):
Personal information
Kálmán Dávid E.V.
Contact information
Tax number
Hosting provider
Rackhost Zrt.
The content displayed on this website, including web designs, programming code, and other graphical elements, is protected under the copyright laws of Hungary (Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright). Without my prior written consent, third parties may not use, copy, distribute, or publish any materials found on this site in any manner. Copying of materials is permitted solely for personal, non-commercial purposes. Unauthorized use may result in legal consequences.
I make every effort to ensure that the websites and graphic designs delivered through my services are free of errors and function correctly. However, I am not liable for any damages or losses arising from the use of the websites, or any potential malfunctions. I am also not responsible for errors caused by external service providers (e.g., hosting providers) or other third parties, such as unavailability or data loss.
I reserve the right to modify the information on the website at any time and to discontinue its availability. I assume no responsibility for third-party content that is linked to or referenced on this website.